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We have a wide range of services available to help with your needs. 

Bill Negotiation

Patient Advocacy 

Healthcare Navigation

Care Coordination

Education & Empowerment

Emotional Support

About Us

Nash Patient Advocacy & Consulting offers expert healthcare advocate services to help you navigate the complex healthcare system. Rachel Nash is an experienced Board Certified Patient Advocate, who provides personalized support and guidance for your medical needs.

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We know there are so many questions surrounding hiring an advocate so we've decided to answer a few of the most asked questions. 

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What our customers write about us



"I felt all alone and was not understanding my medical diagnosis, and I was afraid. After working with Rachel, I learned to be part of my medical care, and I was able to learn a path to my wellness."

E. H. 


" Many years ago, my husband received orders to Operation Desert Storm. After serving in the military, he had approx 25 jobs and struggled mentally. Rachel helped him see he needed help, and it was okay. She helped him see he deserved disability since he had service-connected disabilities. He is now awaiting his rating. We could not have done this without Rachel's help."

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