
•Healthcare navigation, assisting with understanding insurance policies, hospital protocols, and navigating the complex healthcare systems.
• Guides patients and families through healthcare systems, including the VA system, with ease.
• Assists with the complexity of insurance and helps dispute denials.
• Assists with reducing your hospital bills by tracking paperwork and records, enabling organization and better understanding.
• Helps with coordinating your care and ensuring you have a care team in place.
• Helps you find an objective second, third, or fourth option.
• Coordinates and oversees the transitions of care that usually present problems, including trying to obtain mental health care.
• Assists with mediation to ensure you are being heard.
• Ensures medication reconciliation and that all doctors have shared information, assessment of needs, and referrals.
• Provides emotional support to help patients cope with the psychological and emotional aspects of impacts to illness.
• Offers support and accompaniment and will attend medical appointments with patients to ensure that patients understand the information shared by healthcare providers.
• Healthcare advocates for those living with mental health conditions and all health conditions.
• Requests billing review and negotiates billing costs (when possible).

The care plans are tailored to each patient, rather than a standardized approach that fits everyone.


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